Yesterday was a sick day at our house, meaning that Sydney was home from Kindergarten with a really bad case of diarreha. The plan was to stay inside yesterday and get as many sewing presents finished or started as possible.While they napped in the morning it was easy to sit down and sew without any problems interruptions from the girls. I attempted again in the afternoon to work on another project, but Ashlyn wasn't happy with me. She didn't want to play with her sister or do anything other then try to climb up on my lap while I was sewing. After putting her down for the 5th or 6th time I heard a crash of soemthing falling to the floor. Here is what I saw:
Ashlyn had dumped out enough bottles so she could climb into the cupboard.
Trying to look innocent.
Look where I am.
You can't be mad at me when I smile at you.
Ok, how do I get out of here again.
I think I might need help.